
Urgh - she's a tease! She knew from the jump he was into her - remember the scene when she's a freshman and she's pushing the door closed as he's trying to find reasons to come in.

"This is like some Jane Fonda woke-aerobics"

That girl with the pooch is too much!

I loved Coco's speech to all of them, and thought it was sweet that she sat by Reggie and held his hand afterwards - but got up and left once Sam got there.


I actually find all that perfectly OK.

A subtle but electric moment was him gently holding onto her foot when her leg was extended onto his shoulder during combat.

I also loved that Will picked up the phone and called Diego and spoke to him directly - I prefer that they went that route instead of just having a "Ghost" scene with Riley offering proof to Diego in the form of things Will relays to her that only he and Diego would know.

OK, Amanita's Dads are too much!

That aside, what infuriated me on a personal level - is that Rajan's explanation "some of those drugs can still work" - "we're selling the only kind those people can afford" is EXACTLY the rationale a lot of big pharma operate on, and they are totally unapologetic about it!

I loved that whole scene between Detective Tight-Pants and Sun at the cemetery. When I saw him at first I wondered "What's he got a broom for?". I thought for a minute that was going to feature in their spar.


But he's a … *gasp* … Refugee!

"We're going to need a bigger bed to accommodate all the Brazilians at the next clusterfuck"

"… I mean who here has sex like these guys?"

"Yes Capheus, it's true - I used to love a woman, I don't care about what genitals the person I love has, and I'm totally going to share this eyebrow-raising-for-Kenya piece of personal information within earshot of a bus full of strangers in Nairobi"

Nah, you're just obsessed …

I haven't got to that one yet. Just checked and it's in the second half of Season 1. I've only got through the first half of the season.

Hi Everyone,

"Led Zeppelin II-IV would like a word with you"