
Yeah, kudos also goes to the actor playing the white student opposite Reggie. His reaction - feeling put out and censored - was so true to life in how that exchange on the dance floor would have gone down.

"We could go antiquing in Vermont and shit" had me cracking up!

"Once you’ve regarded an entire group of people as an abstract concept, treating them inhumanely is not a leap."


… and on the flip side …

He must rescue her … from the Frosti Cocoon … in that Hidden Place

"take … out back, roofie it, tie it up, and lock it in the shed."

"The problem is…okay, the problem is, what the fuck exactly was the plan to contact other sensates and how the hell did it actually seem to work?"

Detective Tight-Pants at the dojo: "And another thing, I would like to ask your permission, as a Wise-Father-Figure, to take Sun's hand in marriage"

"Lito Rodriguez … IS ONE OF THE VOICES IN YOUR HEAD????"

"… I haven't watched Soul Food"

I legit laughed out loud (even though it was silly) when Kala's father was informing an absent-minded Kala that what she was eating contained "a pinch of HORSE SHIT!"

Top 3 are Amanita, Riley's father, and Awesome Murderous Korean Grandma who saved Sun from hanging …

They are indeed ….I was worried about Crazy Ex getting the axe too … and then BLAMM!! Renewal!

The moment you saw Sukku Son at the door, you couldn't help but go "Aww, sookie sookie now!"

Snowfall … in July?

"Get it, Sun!" LOL!

Yeah, there are already lots of Sun&Mun references on both actors' social media.

Each time I see Bug I can't help but marvel: "My, what big teeth you have!"

"Cloud Atlas … a must-watch for people who enjoy sense8"