
OK, I came across this article on "Sense8's New Heartthrob" Sukku Son.

Doona Bae is phenomenal! Can she get an Emmy, please?

A few of my take-aways from the season:


Why I do declare!

I usually roll my eyes at comments like the one I'm about to make, but I have to say:

Sean Spicer: "So did Hitler"

I remember I had been hoping that the Mexican president had a plan like this up his sleeve when he invited Trump to visit last year … but alas …


If you do believe that - in your words - I "may be right that he is not in fact transphobic", then perhaps it would be best for you and others not to volunteer comments definitively labelling him - again, in your words - an "ass-hole that is transphobic as all hell".

What's a shame is that there are loads of people like you quick to call him a "transphobic asshole" without basis. You can't even say he is allegedly transphobic because nobody who has met him has alleged that, as far as I know.

Did anyone else think of Kelly 'Destiny's Child' Rowland during this ep?

Shouldn't this review have been up yesterday?

OK - yes Thane is a dumb jock, and his douche-bro laugh after asking Coco "How'd you get the colour so even?" was irritating as hell …

No mention of Coco's take-down of those sorority sisters? That was a thing of beauty and I had to rewind to hear it all again:

Maybe Icelandic yogurt is the secret to Bjork still looking like a fresh-faced 12 year old after all these decades …

"You could soon be able to relive Hillary Clinton’s defeat every week on TV"

She means at the end of *this* premiere episode.

Amanita is the perfect girlfriend, and Nomi is incredibly lucky to have her.

"Dear White People, this outfit helps me stay woke"