
*leans into microphone*

Both (Two things).

I'm on holiday in Japan right now, and I can confirm Trump's nonsense *can* be translated into Japanese.

We don't want him! You all can have him!

*looks at your high-fiving hand up top*



Well - whoop-de-frickin'-do!

*face freezes in open-mouthed demented glee*

EX-CWEEZ-ME? Hellurr!


I'm with you. I really did not like that Rumspringa storyline of the episode - when Winston, Aly and Cece weren't on screen, all I could think is "Where are Winston, Aly and Cece?"

I commented a couple of weeks ago that I hope Sonequa Martin-Green can squeeze in a Rhonda reappearance in between shooting a lead role on The Walking Dead and THE lead role in the new Star Trek series - so glad she did! I liked Rhonda more this time around.

- I was smiling like I'd just seen a long-lost friend when JULIUS showed up in the first few minutes. One failing of The Good Wife was how main characters would disappear without even a throwaway line explaining their absence. So glad to see Julius had moved on and has been with Delroy Lindo all along!

"♫ Previously on BrainDead …♫ "

"OK, I don't want to sound self-serving here, but I think it's a smart move for you to hire me"

Angel (Glenn Quinn)

While watching the opening credits, I half-expected the very last thing to explode to be a tacky wig!

OK, even though I already knew beforehand from the trailer pretty much everything that happens in this first episode, I still thoroughly enjoyed watching every. single. minute! of it:

I feel like I've travelled back in time! Back to when my favourite Sunday night (or Monday morning) guilty pleasure was watching The Good Wife followed immediately by reading the review and comments here on the AV Club.