
And the scary thing is … He *COULD* actually say that, with a straight face, while scolding any reporter who says otherwise!

*watches video*

I caught this movie by accident a few months ago - this is the really long comment I had posted on AV Club afterwards:

I wonder if one of Winston's 20 phases involves DIVORCING HIS WIFE RHONDA …

My two fave scenes tonight that got me laughing out loud:

I wouldn't be mad if - in Season 7 - New Girl decided to reinvent itself as a sitcom with 6 leads all on equal footing - Winston, Schmidt, Nick, Aly, Cece and Jess.

After having been on something of a Crazy Ex Girlfriend binge last week, I now can't help but wonder while I watch New Girl what the show would be like if Santino Fontana were the one playing Nick Miller - author of the Pepperwood Chronicles - and what the Nick/Jess chemistry would be like then.

So this article is going to make no reference whatsoever to the fact that they've worked together before?

Is It A Crime to be using all these puns?

She thinks she can trade-mark the name Kylie? Hmph - she should be so lucky!

So - 7 years ago, Rebecca was Harvard pre-law when Robert dumped her, and about a year ago she moved to West Covina after being made partner.

You see this Rebecca is a Crazy Ex-
Shut your mouth!
But I'm talkin' about Rebecca
You're damn right!

Interesting advice, but I prefer to just ask nicely:

free food and WINES.

Noah Solloway, doing his own 'Math of Love Triangles':

Heather-Valencia Mess-Arounds?

Many of us on here were speculating last week that - with the finale title being "Can Josh take a leap of faith" - there'd be some conflict in the form of Christian versus Jewish drama that would derail the wedding.

From this season's list, my top 3 most-watched-on-YouTube:

Imagine the nurses' faces when Rebecca gets to:

How's that going to work when things get hard (ahem) at the seminary, and he walks past an attractive woman on the street who smiles at him.