
OK, fans of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend who haven't done so already, I recommend checking out the YouTube series: "Awkward Black Girl"

Did this dude actually say "Half as good as everyone here *pretends* it is"?

Was hoping we'd get to see Mr and Mrs Heather at the wedding! Before anyone corrects me - Yes, I - unlike Rebecca - do know their last name is Davis.

I know it's been said by many, but the use of past musical cues in this episode was phenomenal.

*new opening credits*

"What's happening with your torso, man? That is some seriously mopey massaging"

Proof I've been watching WAAY too much Crazy Ex Girlfriend:

Rebecca's own father calling her crazy - just seemed like the cruelest thing ever uttered by anyone in this show (a real kick in the heavy boobs!)

I was watching that sweet scene with Rebecca and Paula, thinking, shouldn't this intimate mother-daughter scene be with Rebecca's *actual mother? Where is she?

Here's a comment I posted in response to an AV club article from a few days ago:

At the end, I was willing Rebecca to reach into her father's pocket and get that cheque back and tear it up!

Wow - that got … dark and uncomfortable to watch! The court-mandated psychiatric help. Running to the cliff edge.

When that ADA was showing Annalise the pictures of crispy-Wes, I was hoping Annalise was going to pounce and give her an Asher-on-Connor-type smack down. That would have been delicious to watch! Damned handcuffs!

Asher had some nerve talking to Oliver as if he was the only normal one in Murder club. Asher may have joined late, but by comparison Connor and Michaela have their hands clean!

My Random Thoughts while watching:

Laugh-out-loud moment for me was the on-going conversation when Annalise was in the shower:

" I actually really like Soraya Hargrove as a character …"

Ah, that's where Trump went wrong - he thinks the key to being loved is never having to say you're sorry.

OK Ivanka, you know what to do …

"Zoe Saldana to play another badass killer"