
For me, Sunil was the unsung MVP of this episode!

After that scene, I immediately started singing:

lol @ Rachel Bloom saying "I love me some Frozen dick" … she sounds really friendly and unaffected, thanks for sharing your story!

Well, you may not know this, but Vella Lovell - who plays Heather - is a Black woman on the show

Now that the autopsy revealed Wes died in the fire, contradicting what the ME told Nate before the break, I can't figure out whether:

I used to have my alarm gently wake me up with "Mermaid" by Sade - a soothing new-agey instrumental with the sound of waves and seagulls …


Those chants of "He will not divide us" were creepy as fuck.

Can you repost this story in full in the Comments section for the next episode review of CexG?

"A salty Lay. Open wide, sweet-heart …"

… and he later followed that up with "I feel like Andie MacDowell in Groundhog Day" to make it the third time that week.

"Reagan's out of town, you know what that means!"

Here's a throw-away comment I posted last month, in response to how the Robby and Jess story will end:


This is a disgrace!

"I'm in my thirties. This is not how I'm supposed to be spending my time."

After last week's joyous Soul Train dancing by Heather - any episode without a Heather appearance is going to elicit a big, loud: "Where's Heather??" from me …

I'm with you on not being invested in the Darryl/Paula friendship - and we are most likely in the minority.

George so deserved to be fired after that, though - regardless of what his boss is like!

Now I feel dumb that I didn't make that connection before - even with him explicitly being called a Slytherin …