
Rebecca: "I am now getting married in 2 weeks"

George: "To be called by one's name is one of the rights *George Washington* fought for!"

Do we know for sure that Weird Karen isn't really being played by Willem Dafoe in drag?

Mrs Hernandez: "Don't condescend to me, little girl!"

"but roundabout the third time we get too “whee” and “weird,” it starts to get a bit old"

For a while there I was thinking "Trump actually gets inaugurated AND there's no more Crazy Ex Girlfriend coverage here! Could this weekend BE any more depressing?"

How about "Super Predator"

I mis-read that as 'discount piano whorehouse'

*talking about a divorced Bow* "- She's going to make me her best friend!" - that made me laugh!

Whenever I see Michael Moore now I unfortunately get flashbacks of his scenes making out with Mary Elizabeth Winstead in last summer's BrainDead series.

It can be two things, and it has been two things since the pilot. What show have you been watching?

She could start by making an eloquent impassioned speech pointing out that it is a sad day for America when a man like Trump is elected President - and then proceed to sing "We shall overcome" a capella.

IronE Singleton responds to the news:

More like Jonathan TIEFschwarz, amirite?

Can't you see her? She's standing right there - behind Tilda Swinton.

No apologies needed, loved reading your long comment and am immensely happy that the AV club did this piece on Graham, who is an international treasure.

It's at the tip of your tongue, I'm sure …

If it's with Kevin Hart and Channing Tatum, I'm bout to slap me a plagiarist …

But wouldn't that be the standard response you'd expect from any comedian making a racist joke - "it wasn't my intention to offend - I was just going for (cheap) laughs!"

AV Club, how are you going to omit John Cho in the not-so-subtle Asian-actor roll call sample you worked into this article?