
'When I first told uncle about @BrainDeadCBS he said "🤔 hope that goes well 4 u cuz n all my yrs never heard of a black dude name #Gustav" '

OK, I've loved reading the recaps of these 3 episodes (thanks Dennis and Joshua!) and I was gutted to read that this is indeed the last review…

"It doesn't seem like you could make a regular series of it"


Wait, whaaa? Noo! Don't give up on us baby - we're still worth one more try …

Wow - 54 dates! Just think, that's enough dates for her to be able to - if she wanted - dedicate each show to each one of the many comedians she's unashamedly plagiarised over the years. She could call it her "Good Karma" tour!

It can be two things …

Yeah, and if this could happen in the UK, now I'm sure Trump is actually going to win, cos let's face it - the US is so much fucking dumber!

"Like I need this crap at my age. I've still got Darth Vader money!"

Kudos ! I couldn't help but read all that in Carrie voice - complete with the last few words appearing typed on a screen…

You want to give guns to Iranian and Indian immigrants??

"…climaxing in an awkward … scene between the two"

Haven't had any update on "The Jury" since it was announced at the beginning of the year - for a minute I thought maybe it didn't get past the pilot stage.

Hey, for those of you who sat through season 7 of The Good Wife …

Yeah, I mentioned him in last week's list. And Megan Hilty too.

That musical intro though! - was not expecting that - figured they'd just stick with what they did in the pilot (and what was done with The Good Wife) with only the 3-second opening credits popping up a third of the way through.

"but Winstead's charms aside it's kind of a hard character to get behind"

It's time for:

My favourite musicians in the world - as different as their music is - all seem to have one thing in common: an immense infatuation with Joni Mitchell's music, and have all worked in a cover or tribute to Joni into their discography at some point in their careers, with very mixed results …

It's the kind of thing you'd see in one of those Final Destination movies and roll your eyes thinking "How fucking improbable!"