
We are treated as impostors, and yet are true.
As unknown, and yet well known.
As dying, and behold, we live.
As punished, and yet not killed.

I was actually annoyed at how un-entertaining this was! Watching Megan Fox look and act like a spaced-out robot is not fun. Showing Nick repeatedly talk with food in his mouth is not hilarious. Having Winston do a parody of a blaccent didn't even raise a smile (that's just not the humour he excels at - the same scene

Oh, by Crazy in Love I'm quite sure you mean *this*, wright? (right?)

Oh yeah - I remember that - and there was a woman who didn't employ Alicia back then and then ended up being her adversary in court later on …

Well, as much as I do still love the Last Dragon to this day, and have always found her strikingly beautiful, I do appreciate that all the countless articles and comments coming out now referencing Vanity 6, Prince, her movies etc would have meant absolutely NOTHING to her, as she'd put her showbiz life behind her for

Well, we've had the Bjork/Timbaland collaboration and we managed to survive that …

Um, You're a fan of Vulnicura and Matt Czuchry/Archie Panjabi sketches?

Surprised you gave a ruling, and didn't just say "Let's move on … "

Asked and answered! Hilary Duff was *clearly* referencing her Good Wife role. And that's In. My. Opinion!

Yes, in my opinion. I'm sorry I thought it was obvious when *I* speak it's *my* opinion …

By the way - have they ever had a flashback episode of The Good Wife? I've never liked those - but I can see Diane giving a history lesson to new junior associates being used as a convenient framing device ….

Yeah, I felt the same way in Season 2, when Michael Ealy showed up then all of a sudden we stopped seeing Michael Boatman! I too was pissed off they sidelined Boatman and never showed the two together.

Oddly enough there was no mention of Daddy Detective. Or NORA! which was an oversight - I guess she'd be on the "Gold Standard" show. And Geneva Pine and Matan Brody can be regulars on "Judges!" …

Well, *in my opinion* (sorry, couldn't resist!) if I were in your shoes I might wait till there are just 1 or 2 episodes left, and then binge-watch season 7 up until that point. That's my strategy for seasons of shows that tend to drag on (looking at you, Walking Dead…)

Yeah - agreed - her being lumped with the others didn't ring true. I always (perhaps naively) saw her and Alicia as equal partners in their own firm - and yet now they are in the big firm the dynamic has changed, and Lucca is more like her subordinate, following her instructions on which case to work on.

No - Shaved it! *sips wine* *brushes crotch area lightly*

The actress - Anna Gasteyer (who I always mix up with Kathryn Hahn - which really confused me when they were *both* guest starring in Girls) was in an episode of "Younger", as a wannabe author, and Hilary Duff was her publisher, who said to her "We want you to bring your book here and *IN MY OPINION* this could be a

So - Archie Panjabi is set to star as the lead in "The Jury" - a new legal drama with her as a juror.

I liked how the episode started with Diane giving a brief history of the law firm. Good thing she gave the short version of that story - otherwise that would have been the full 43 minute episode spent on Diane droning on about iteration after iteration of the firm's identity

I know by now I should be rolling my eyes at yet *another* quirky judge. Oh look - ants creep him out … quirky!