
Anyone else notice Bates and Anna have got Bert-and-Ernie style separate twin beds … has that been commented on in a previous episode somewhere – why a husband and wife are meant to sleep in separate beds ?

If anything - I expected Diane to be warmer. They've been in each other's lives for 7 years now, right? Will's death bought them closer - and then battling to keep Cary out of jail seemed to bring all 3 of them even closer. They've been through a lot.

Diane *was* bitter - and indeed, she gave Alicia the legendary cold-stare-of-death.

Yup. The writers lucked out with Robyn - after all the critical acclaim and fan-adoration Archie Panjabi got, Robyn showed up and still managed to win over Kalinda in the show, and Kalinda fans watching the show. That's quite some feat which many shows don't achieve - but then they squandered it by having her

"I have to introduce you to Monica – I think you’ll like each other"

OK, I read an article on TvLine.com where they came up with eleven – yes, ELEVEN distinct spin-off ideas for The Good Wife! The Good Wife has got to be the only show I know whose universe is rich enough to support 11 simultaneous spinoffs from its single source show with no need for overlapping characters or plotlines

Marissa is here! Yay! At first I didn't recognise FBI dude, so I was initially worried he was either going to be a long-lost brother … or the juice bar's new owner who was going to fire her for saying the one down the street is cheaper!

Oh the IronE !!

Oh HELLL NAWW!! … oops, too late, beaten to it!

Well, to me - she seemed relaxed curled up against him - but he seemed stiff. His arm isn't actually around her, but stretched out along the chair.

I was worried for Edith at first - while doing those introductions - that the plot was going to go in the direction of her lady editor stealing nerdy-Bertie from right under her nose.

Yeah - as someone pointed out in the comments last week - it's nice that even though Violet was furious that no-one was on her side on the hospital issue - she doesn't hold a grudge and still has Isobel's back.

OK, maybe it's just me … but that scene after Mary’s phonecall with Talbot – there was Tom holding her hands and the strings swelling and his impassioned speech about “Don’t give up on the man who is right for you!”. For a hot minute I thought Tom and Mary would collapse into a long embrace – with the camera panning

Lol @ Mrs Hughes: “Ah can’t CUKE!!” That cracked me up!! I actually felt just a little sorry for Carson by the end of it…

Speaking of the race … I’m surprised Shell would stump for product placement for that scene, with a number of the cars having engine trouble and one of them blowing up …

Yup, that was the meta quote of the episode!

Love Molesly. Loved that he seemed close to tears on hearing the news from the teacher. Loved how he straightened his back when the teacher said “You should be proud”. Nice to see a good guy rewarded. Now – all he needs is some Baxter lovin’ …

Violet versus Miss Cruikshank – I loved EVERY. SINGLE. BIT. of that back and forth.

Oooh - I'm first! That never happens! Where *is* everybody?

I’ve figured out my problem with Matthew Goode here – bottom line is, I reckon he was woefully miscast as Talbot. I’ve been giving him the benefit of the doubt so far, blaming a lack of chemistry with Mary. But now, at the peak of his story arc – with his big dramatic moment when we’re supposed to feel for him – I was