
I concur - deserved a B at least - if only for an entertaining Lockhart Agos segment of the ep, for once

I liked the aerial shot of the phones, actually. The opening scene as a whole - it made me think I'd stumbled onto an ep of The Walking Dead where everything is eerily quiet - then next they'd cut to the sound of zombies banging away in one of the meeting rooms …

Loved the high-five between Diane and Cary. I smiled and thought "Aww, it's the new Will and Diane". Not what Cary had in mind when he said that three years ago, but cute none the less.

Julianna Margulies in The Good Wife.

Could someone who has watched the longer cut of this episode, please please give a brief outline of what you recall of any of the added scenes. For the benefit of those of us who didn't watch this on US television, so have no idea which version we watched.

Yeah, when I heard it again i thought
ok, maybe this is really a thing American parents tell their kids : "keep your 5 areas clean", cos i'd never heard of this before this ep.


Yeah, you're right - her name just wasn't coming to me. "Junior, Jack, Diane and …?" She's pretty - but to me she's outshone by the rest of the kids in the cast

A "K-Mart someone from the 60s". He's a talented songwriter and musician - but sometimes when he sings I imagine he just woke up after a night of hard-partying, and swigged from a bottle of scotch before singing …

OK, the argument I keep reading on here that "it's a soap opera, it's supposed to be wacky", as justification for the show's incoherence, just doesn't wash.

Crack may be wack - but coke seems to be keeping her flawless! (sorry, that was wrong of me…)

Erm, "life is more than being a smartass " indeed, and yet you're the one who commented:


"K-Mart John Legend". Erm, *cough*, isn't John Legend "K-Mart someone-else"? The songs of his I Iike are actually in spite of his voice, not because of it.

********Spoiler Alert - kinda, sorta ****************

Sorry, I think you've got that analogy wrong. In simple terms, Joshua gives good grades when an ep is good, and bad grades when it's bad, and most importantly,he backs up the good/bad grades with an in-depth logical review. What more can be expected? You can't say he's not a fan - real fans are usually the most

Side note, is it me or is Dre's hair JACKED UP in this ep in the same way it was in the last ep when his daughter - the one that's not Diane - had to show him in the mirror by holding his head straight.

"… And in the cult - everyone slept with King Daddy Reginald". She had this sweet smile of adoration when she said his name, I thought "that's so wrong. lol!" But then she had to go and add "but not me, I *aged out*" which I think may have been a tad *too dark… but they kept it moving.

Some of the best moments in this ep for me were wordless:

Diane: "Or take a baby-wipe to any 3 of his 5 areas … his choice".