
Jason can't be all that slick if it was easy for Eli's people to figure out he has a file on Alicia. Somewhere out there Kalinda is shaking her head going *tut tut* "Amateur!"

Yeah, she *does look South Asian.

I had to ask myself "Who is Julius?". That feels like a lifetime ago. Remember when there was DRAMA and intrigue at the law firm?

Becca was the worst. So glad she got what she deserved - moved to New York and got scammed by some bitch in Apartment 23 …

Of course it's not meant to go anywhere with JDM. Or Finn. Or that political campaign dude (remember him?). Or even Will. Or even the token minority dude they'll trot out for her to make eyes at for an ep or two in the final season (Jimmy Smits, perhaps?).

This. Was going to type a similar response after seeing the comment above, but you've saved me the trouble.

I just cannot, cannot BELIEVE that they are taking us down this road again, starting with the focus group shit. Bad enough we already have to grin and bear this season's iteration of "Peter runs for office" … sitting through the machinations for Alicia too, yet again, might just be the final straw….

Shame on you for giving me that mental image! I'm now wondering if she keeps her alice band on …

Exactly! With Elsbeth they well and truly killed the goose that lays the golden egg. Eps with her used to be highlights, and when the writing team saw the critical acclaim / fan response - they went overboard and just effed up the character by changing her from quirky genius to mentally ill person. It left a sour

That was some superhero-level cockblocking!

OK, I've read all the comments below - and, adding to the general consensus here that the writers are not capable of properly handling race issues in their plots - I just want to say that, of all the missteps in this current season so far regarding race, the one I find most UNFORGIVABLE is that they wrote the Monica

Not forgetting there was that bi Latina chick - can't remember her name but most people know her from "Lie to Me". If memory serves correctly she slept with both Cary *and Kalinda. So yeah, I concur that Carey *is used to being courted by bi-women of colour.

Oh. No. You. DIDN'T!!!!!

That's so cliched that I'm almost 100% sure it will happen exactly that way

"My lawyer's daughter makes $35,000 by working at home …"

I actually gasped at the throwaway manner that BADASS line was delivered

Oh, was about to post a comment saying pretty much the same thing. They couldn't be bothered with ONE LINE OF DIALOGUE to explain away her absence??

Sshhh …. don't say that too loudly, otherwise next thing you know she might get an Emmy nom, then after some digital trickery of a goodbye scene with Alicia, off to college in Guam she goes ….

Apparently he's moving on to Walking Dead next …wonder who he'll be servicing there …?

That stare-down Diane gave the junior lawyer as he was rambling on about killing spiders for her and what-not - surprised dude was still talkative and up-beat and didn't want to just shut-up and crawl into a corner!