
Is it my imagination or …. in this ep when Rick tells Morgan about "people with W carved into their foreheads" - Morgan then looks like he has a "W" permanently etched into his forehead! (or has his forehead always looked furrowed into a "W"?)

Lol! He probably made it back to the farm after they all left - rebuilt it single-handedly - and is living there in peace.

T-Dawg, in the writer's room: "I see you, Ms Angela Kang - y'all be lookin' after your own, yet you leave a brother - many a brother - out there in the cold to be droppin off like flies…. Sheeeit - you even got me maiming MY OWN DARN SELF on a stationary car, before revolving me out, revolving the next brother in ….

Found out accidentally that AV Club has recommenced reviewing Big Bang. Yay!

And what if there really was a weight-loss show for clairvoyants? You know, "Large Mediums" …

You're absolutely right - Reggie-n-Bollie will be huge with tweens and family entertainment.

Funny you mention Desmonds - I just caught an ep on London Live on Monday this week - and that was my first time watching Desmonds in probably 20 years!

I'm glad they got a kid that at least *looks like it could be a younger Wes - it's so distracting when kids in flashbacks look nothing like the adults (raven symone playing a young halle berry in Queen comes to mind).

Annalise told Asher that the others killed Sam - finally, he knows! and Annalise told Wes that Rebecca is dead - finally, he knows!. So glad those two characters have caught up with the audience.

I had actually been up for 24 hours straight, physically exhausted,when I got home and watched this ep. So even though I was jolted ALERT once the ep started and I got into it, the spinning camera and sped-up timelines made me feel like I was in a lucid dream …

LOL, now you've got me imagining Viola on that Poetic Justice poster, arms crossed.

Annalise has told The Puppy she's dead - we still have to go through him finding out Bonnie did it … Frank buried her …. Frank framed brother ….

This ep was so so good … it makes me want to just take Saturday off and binge-watch the whole of season from the beginning, knowing what I know now.

Maybe she was his first. Maybe she's a werewolf that imprinted on him … *shrugs*

So. so. much. else happening that no energy left for anyone to get into that chit.

What on earth did I just watch? My head is still spinning!!

I agree with the grade, actually. Last week was definitely a D but this week was (*gasp*) entertaining all the way through. I was scared at the beginning when I thought Freda was going to launch into "boom x4" YET again (i had my finger on the remote ready to hit fast-forward) but fortunately she went into that

"What is Love" - the song from the pilot performed by V, was chosen by Monica Michael, a contestant in the UK X factor show during the last live show: "Songs from Movies" theme week.

Laughed out loud more with this ep than I did last week, and found it more coherent too - so kinda surprised at the lower grade. Feel it deserved a B- at least. But then each ep had a different reviewer …

I actually fast-forwarded through all the Sasha-Abraham dialogue. I wish they had another completely different Emmy-winning team of writers whose task is just "poignant, one-on-one dialogue", and they are kept in a separate room from the usual writers of the show who handle the overall story-telling and direction. I