
ComradeQuestions: "Why give me something I would enjoy, Ridley Scott, when you could challenge the world you've created so that I can lambast it for not living up to my expectations?"

@avclub-71d867a24fe5b481248b3944ff4cbc86:disqus no

@avclub-01578d4d4384a5f62ff2c35b0b16302f:disqus I agree, it was very funny

Exactly.  I think the thought process is not "here's what this character says next", it's "here's a funny way of saying this thing, and isn't that funny?!"

Ok, tried to change my username to Stockard Channing Tatum, but can't make it work.  I'm really impressed with that as a username - because it's clearly great - so if anyone wants to tell me how to do that I'm all ears [ed: eyes].

Margaret Eby - the fictional FLOTUS' name is Abigail Bartlet, with a T after the R.  She's a class act though, so I'm sure she'd let it fictionally slide.  But Stockard Channing might shiv you, she's very protective of her characters.
BTW - Stockard Channing Tatum would be a pretty good name for an AV Clubber.  I'm

As far as reality show premises go, piss drinking is not too shabby.

@avclub-ffc905126015cdc6758873970fb59828:disqus excellent point.  but still, if I was near a playground and saw Will Patton, I would be very alarmed.  I would also wonder what I was doing near a playground, but for the sake of argument let's assume it's all above board.

@avclub-498b40dc293b99f641e822f74cfdc35b:disqus  *Coxswain


@avclub-dc7008f6bd89036db2513d35ef4b537c:disqus he would disapprove of you being an asshole and feeling bad about it after.

This discussion reminds me of a Mad TV sketch (also not funny) with Will Sasso where he gets fat again, and thus becomes funny.

@felonius:disqus you rat bastard, I am hating myself and cracking up at the same time

I am not convinced that a disagreement between two people that think each other's closely held opinions are stupid can be thoughtfully mediated by someone unfamiliar with the source material.

If they had wanted to go for the video game imagery, and have the protagonist get into a series of absurd battles over a nondescript woman, she would clearly need to be a blond.  I learned this from Legend of Zelda and half of all video games ever.

Expanding on Lack of Name's deal, 2 things I've heard, both possibly/likely lies:

annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd just saw the thread where this exact topic was discussed.

He look like Robert Iler (aka AJ Soprano) to anybody else?

Even among this bunch, I think I may be one of the only people that enjoyed this show. Yikes.

Come on, they got links to Savage Love right at the top, man