
I'm not surprised Margaret literally had no idea what the family that ran the ranch looks like. Margaret doesn't seem the type to care about (did not seem in the past) people she sees as beneath her. She probably offered the place to her longtime housekeeper without knowing who Luisa was marrying.

I'm saying, starting from the conversation in the car that we saw between Cole and Luisa, Luisa is most likely going into meeting with Cherry without much respect for Cherry, having heard that she's a piece of work, at the least. Luisa being glad the ranch is gone is part and parcel of her protectiveness of Cole and

It makes perfect sense - we saw Cherry knocking on the doors, saying Housekeeping to see if she could come in, when she walked by Cole and Luisa's room she would have clearly heard them talking and moved on to the next room.

I don't know, Cherry is a toxic garbage can of a mother. I am surprised Cole has gotten back to talking to her after everything, though I guess they've been out of touch for a while. (And good for him.) If Luisa has heard from Cole half of what we've seen of Cherry say and do, I don't wonder that she was a little

Well, this is the show that thinks a lawyer who gets paid as much as Toby apparently does would be both a divorce and defense attorney.

The end of ep 9 in season 1? We literally went from Noah, Cole and Alison at the train station to … months later. The end of season 1? Cole's meltdown and then Noah walks off with Alison and we resume with Noah and Alison already in Cold Springs, Noah and Helen in mediation. I would have loved to seen something of

Point. I always assumed Alison's POV was much closer to reality than Noah's in the finale. Noah's POV made Noah look like some noble defender of family and in Alison's he's pulling his wife and kid as a body shield. So Alison's POV seemed more like the Noah we all know and … know.

Helen and her mother were willing to get a restraining order over Whitney's pregnancy, I'm surprised none of the Solloways, specifically Helen, weren't like POOOOOOOOOOOOLICE RIGHT NOW THANKS. Sure, as audience, it's excusable, but from a certain position of privilege and comfort with the police being on your side,

Cole apparently escaped scot free (pun not intended) for holding a gun on the Solloways, burning down a house that was already going to be torn down seems like a pretty minor thing to get away with compared to that.

I agree it was heavy handed, etc, but I do think we were essentially getting all four povs in one ep, not a perspective less one. The previews and clips from the next episode also make it seem like they're back to "normal" with an alison/noah POV split and flash forwards.

Is "Whitman" a combination of Whitney and Martin into one child?

Watching the promo for next week and looking at the SHO promo pics, it really looks like next week has all 4 povs? (Or is next week the first part of another two parter the way the opening 2 episodes were?)

The revelation of Cole's father suicide really really makes me crave some sort of flashback because I would dearly love to know how Helen and Cole saw the season 1 finale events.