I am indeed a mad prop. Or a mad piece of costumery I guess. Whatever. (That's the official motto of The Blacklist btw)
I am indeed a mad prop. Or a mad piece of costumery I guess. Whatever. (That's the official motto of The Blacklist btw)
Nah, it's cool. That hat is my uncle. He's a neat dude. One time we went to Six Flags together when I was but a young hat, and he beat up one of those squid hats to protect me. Then he bought me hat cotton candy.
It's true.
I bet you never even guessed that the hat was CGI the whole time, though, did you?
You may laugh now, but…. yeah you'll probably be laughing later, too.
Thanks. *tips self*
The Rereremembererererer (I used to be in that, as an extra)
Sure, whatever, here I am. OR AM I?