I ought to pull down your pants and spank your ass raw.
I ought to pull down your pants and spank your ass raw.
I ought to pull down your pants and spank your ass raw.
@avclub-6d6285f92ba0ef734664f38cad2ee091:disqus remember that scene in Star Wars…where they're on the Aluminum Falcon…and Luke's hanging on to it's tail feathers?
@avclub-6d6285f92ba0ef734664f38cad2ee091:disqus remember that scene in Star Wars…where they're on the Aluminum Falcon…and Luke's hanging on to it's tail feathers?
I hated Andrea before it was mainstream.
I hated Andrea before it was mainstream.
@avclub-77fce3244134ee46c1d07c6c4efa503e:disqus your point being?
@avclub-77fce3244134ee46c1d07c6c4efa503e:disqus your point being?
@avclub-2300d8171ca46be1ee5a72d2837c1b6d:disqus it's a laundry trapdoor…guy has big laundry. That's why he's Dr. Threadz, son!!!
@avclub-2300d8171ca46be1ee5a72d2837c1b6d:disqus it's a laundry trapdoor…guy has big laundry. That's why he's Dr. Threadz, son!!!
@avclub-306259d3e8f5080046a8bc3edeb97e46:disqus you're thinking of Game of Thrones.
@avclub-306259d3e8f5080046a8bc3edeb97e46:disqus you're thinking of Game of Thrones.
To learn more about Grand Funk consult your school library!
To learn more about Grand Funk consult your school library!
It's like 'Jacob's Ladder'. The whole season is the last thoughts of Jessica Lange before she died in the car crash.
It's like 'Jacob's Ladder'. The whole season is the last thoughts of Jessica Lange before she died in the car crash.
I like the way Scrawler thinks…no I don't.
I like the way Scrawler thinks…no I don't.