Raymond Luxury-Yacht

Loving beer ever since passover ended. Enjoying the hot April days that are the new normal with 3 Star Peppercorn Saison and RAR Groove City Hefeweisen. Rainy days, Union Blackwing Lager.

You don't have to do what those mean elementary schoolers tell you!

Glenn Miller — I Know Why (And So Do You)
Bill Monroe — Blue Moon of Kentucky
Leonard Cohen — Famous Blue Raincoat
Georg Frederick Handel — Water Music Suite 3, 5th Movement
Joni Mitchell — Michael From The Mountains
Bob Marley — No Woman, No Cry
Roxy Music — Grey Lagoons
Gorillaz — All Alone
Pylon — Weather Radio
My Bloody

"Not my favorite concert film."


That's perhaps my favorite song by anyone ever, and thank the lord we had Demme at the helm for that video.

Fun fact: In my hometown, there are seven small bridges on secondary roads over creeks and such that are each named after one of the Mercury Seven. Otherwise, I may not have answered FJ correctly.*

"I'm very heartbroken over her passing, especially since it was cancer."

Turns out that prior to Elton John's infection, Hannity taped a gun to his dick and pointed both at the pneumonia*, threatening "one or the other" if she didn't shape up and attack the gays.

Before I make a final decision on the quality of Depeche Mode's newest album, I jumped back to their last one (Delta Machine) which I recall sucking. Turns out, it sucks.

I loved his NPR interview. It went something like this:

Sadly, there was no question about my favorite pop culture boy, Booji Boy.

So when my neighbor sold me that baggie of marijmuanam, what was that exactly?

First, let me express in the strongest terms possible my disdain for the players avoiding the "Fish" category in DJ like the plague. Always enjoy the natural science questions, though I'll admit the flatfish question wasn't the easiest.

I'm pretty sure his butt is tight in the metaphorical sense and in no other ways.

Have you considered one of the other major religions? They're all pretty much the same.

Sad trombone.


This album seems like an intentional lowering of the stakes — no grand statements, no sonic odysseys, just the essentials — beats & rhymes. Given Kendrick's previous output, I'd say that this is more a deviation from the formula rather than a return to form.