
Yeah, what the HELL man?!? This was supposed to be good!

Was Johnny Dangerously the one with Michael Keaton?

I wasn't a fan of Seinfeld, but decided to give it another try recently, and I actually kind of enjoyed "The Stake Out." I liked the relationship at the end between Elaine and Jerry; it was endearing in a way, something I didn't remember this series being at all (I didn't like it as a kid because I found the

Art Core…velay.

Bad, meh, bad
I HATE "Okona," for most of the reasons listed here (and Handlen, your Twitter feed suggested a more brutal review might be coming; interesting how you took a more optimistic tone in this writeup). The "Okona" stuff is just blah fluff, but as said here, the "humor" stuff just took this show off the

@i and 1: I adore the Internet.

Mr. Matos, I registered partially to stop lurking but mostly to say I'm sorry to see this feature go. Electronic music isn't covered here as much (obviously, and as many others have pointed out), so this feature was valuable and will be missed by me. Sorry I didn't register sooner to post comments. I guess I knew

I love you Cookie Monster.