Crap, which dvd has the Aspen Comedy bit where David plays the Magazine Comic: all SEVENTEEN of you CUM CHUGGIN WHORES!
Crap, which dvd has the Aspen Comedy bit where David plays the Magazine Comic: all SEVENTEEN of you CUM CHUGGIN WHORES!
And on t the Sarah Silverman show and on Communnity. Someone here once remarked he must own as dozen uniforms by now
Agreed Pants. But why can't more poster have interesting nyms?
maybe it's a macguffin. Or a double mcguffin.
First thing I thought of when I read the wire Dr
I'd kick him the cunt if I didn't think it would ruin their shine
The Jonas brothers are appearing at a Target near you
This comes from a group that cried at TS3 and get all faggy when they hear The Nationals. Christ, bring back the Metal Box.
Check out that refresh rate!
She feta be good in this movie because Scream 3 fontainebleau!
I'm not sure what that meant but I hope it wasn't about a pack of n*ggers raping her. And if it was, she deserved it what with those sexy clothes she's selling
Give it a break JVS, you swung and missed, again…but you could blow me next
Yeah, maybe this film does have some potential despite it's source material.
I thought he was the inventor of gorilla cookies
Meow boy, what's this you're talking talkin bout?
How did the Addams family start?
Wow triple play. Failed first tosses to misplaced secondsies, and throw to a premature third. Classic 3,4,5 triple play!
Gotta second or third the hate for John Adams miniseries. Forced to watch it and all I wanted to hear the whole time was Giamatti say WNNNNBC. That said, why this mini-series was so lauded is beyond me. Realistic to the times,sure. Good acting, ok. But bbbboring!
You ever see The Dancing Lincolns? It's four guys dressed as Lincoln dancing then a shot rings out. A thing of beauty indeed
Put your poo box away