Billy Ray Cyprus

Basil has been bery bery good to me. Oh Sammy, your delightful accent has kept us from prosecuting you for lying under oath. You scamp *gives Sammy a noogey*

Beats using cork in the pizza

Psst, keep this on the d/l but Domino's changed their recipe and whhooo boy!

You're all so mean! I prefer to think of the guy as Master Blaster skydiver.

*brings Todd sammy, Todd oblivious daydreamin he's Iceman in Top Gun, again*

*wife walks out*

My tv psychic said there was a miasma of death surrounding my tv at 9 pm of Fox. I'm not sure what she meant.

I bet with a headline like that you get a free bowl of soup

Freeze cyberpolice!
don't freeze cyberpolice, how will they move?

by height

The cyberpolice will be looking for you at Comic Con Todd. I suggest you dress up as Tasha or the consequences will never be the same!

Consequences will never be the same! I contacted the cyberpolice Todd and they backtraced this sandwich story! U dun goof'd!

If by eating a "sandwich"
You mean you got 2 hookers or smoked a fatty with Chase, then I would say you done alright brother. Also,I would like to add, that I am sure you took full advantage of the echo-y microphones by introducing yourself as TOOOODDDDD vander WWWEEEERRFFFFF!

Good job on Breathed
Big fan back in the day of Steve, Opus, Bill…
Funny thing about that pic above; it's hilarious, but I'm not sure why? Is Commando Jim with his camo backpack doodling on his I-pad? Could it be Moshzilla girl on the right staring into the void? Is it the hat or the ass? So much funny in that pic!

Hey, for what it's werff
Shit promising or not! I'll bite on any zombie pic and all, but 5-0, that just reeks of Other Show flotsom and/or jetson.

We built this city on rock and roll

Oh Lem, I can no longer watch Brown Bunny without thinking of you!

Dr Martens vs Dr Scholls
Tagline: Two doctors with no patience

Hey anybody remember when William Burroughs was in a Nike ad?

Including indian casinos?, because that would be awesome!