
David Lynch, you suck.

And is this the episode where O'Quinn tries to top Ben's "You guys guy any milk?" line with a similar inquiry about food? I think it is. That always cracked me up. A total nod to the prior moment between those two.

I love how they let Phil Hartman quite simply just go completely apeshit in this episode. Such a joy to behold.

As awesome as the show already is, they then go and drop a mention to "The King Of Comedy" - I freaking love it. Can't wait until next week.

"It can be a burden to see where you’re going." - great line. And great review.

Pete's “They probably will." line was great - fantastic delivery.

"Aspirin is a long way from aspiring." ——— Nicely done.

"Stranger In A Strange Land" needs to be given a break. It's like friggin' Kim and the cougar from 24. Not their finest hour, but still decent.

Now we've got something of a mess on our hands.

EXCELLENT choice. And… HOW in the HELL did these 2 incredible actors somehow manage to match (if not TOP) their incredible exchange a season earlier from 'The Suitcase'?? Simply amazing. And the scene is just as great with every repeat viewing.

Reply of the MONTH. Bravo.

Just watched it last night. WOW. That was a friggin' AMAZING episode. I would not have wanted to be the editor on that one. At the top of their game… all of them. Great stuff.

I got a 'Session 9' vibe off those institution scenes…

I somehow knew this (other) shoe was going to drop, and drop hard. That said, it didn't make it any easier to witness. Poor Jimmy. And fuck Chuck. Bring on Saul.

Ah, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, what a poor choice you made. Just my $0.02, of course. And then, on top of that, he demands too much $$$ and winds up not being included in the Series Finale either. What a douche bag.

I believe as extras on the DVD releases, yes.

NO mention of "Bullet in the Face"??? - Sigh.

Poor Michael Biehn. The Terminator was supposed to be his 'big break', and instead it made Arnold a star. Then he's cast in T2, but his scenes wind up getting cut. Now this. That sucks. I still remember what a great villain he was in Tombstone.

"Cue poor henpecked Craig, just trying to ride in the front seat of his wife’s careening Mercury Sable of crime…"

"Kristin, we're gonna start with you."