Not The Real Randy Jackson

Al Sharpton's new role as an Instagram thot is one of 2017's more underrated stories.

People are already worried about this, as if this isn't the same guy who also did Jackie Brown. I think it will be handled well.

Not promoting the latest Criterion Barnes & Noble sale has been very off-brand for you. And just as I finally had the spending money!

People have compared Donald Trump Jr. to Fredo Corleone a lot, as well as AJ Soprano, but has anyone yet compared him to Henry Hill's blonde sister from Goodfellas?

You know that there's a damaging story for the Trump clan happening right now because r/The_Donald has their top post as being about Seth Rich

Oh lordy. I'm starting to forget Community episode titles. I'm so sorry, y'all.

Him trying to settle his beef with Merkel through a Hair vs. Hair match was an unusual, but well-executed moment.

Yeah, baby! Attempted murder with a car! This is the WWE I was raised on.

the freeforum page had the right idea on making an "archived comments" section. We should've done more with it


Are you referring to Trump using National Enquirer as the blackmailing thing I ignored? Because I'm against that too (and so was Greenwald btw)

Murray said that his original plan for TV Club was to do brief, punchy reactions to each episode instead of the Sepinwall-style of recapping. What's funny about that is this is what TV Club is starting to do now (see: WWE and Broadchurch recaps).

Noel Murray on what it's been like covering Twin Peaks for The New York Times, and his time as a recapper since the dawn of TV Club:

I agree that they should have said it. Searching hours for the guy's identity and contact info only to be like "yeah we aren't revealing who you are" seems pointless. Gawker a few years back actually did dox a reddit user who did more heinous things, and I respect that more than what CNN did.

When history looks back at this era, they will remember it by its heroes: Tony Posnaski, Rob Szczerba, Jules Vuleveriezewhatever and all the other balding verified dudes who set up alerts for Trump's tweets just so they can reply to them.

"or has ten reviews on metacritic"

Even better: the person who made that gif is a reddit user by the name of HanAssholeSolo.