Not The Real Randy Jackson

"I'm choosing to savour this for the brief time that it lasts."

I like how the responses to my Logan question evolved from "just watch this one movie" to "watch every single X-Men film except for Origins: Wolverine.

How much of the X-Men franchise do you need to see to watch Logan?

Drake is a laid-back slob, while Josh is an anally-retentive nerd. And now they're step-brothers living with together! How did they never kill each other?

Drake & Josh no longer being friends is the Beatles break-up of my generation, to be honest.

People think I just switch back and forth between my AV Club profile and my Disqus profile. This is not true. The Not The Real Randy Jackson with the different avatar is an imposter, and I don't know who they actually are.

Being a Nielsen sampler was fun because I could just lie and say that I watched a specific low-rated show even when I wasn't. However, I read somewhere that Nielsen themselves know about this tactic so I'm not sure how effective was it for me to write about watching The Americans and Review live when I didn't.

Lol at people still making "I got a Community notification for THIS???" jokes in the comments. This site is all right.

I don't know if that's necessarily true. I remember fans of Terriers and Party Down getting really mad with the way that its networks treated their shows.

Has anyone ever looked at old photos of their dad and gotten jealous at how handsome they were compared to you at the same age? Yeah, me neither.

It's going to be a bunch of cosplayers renting hotels and play-acting as international assassins.

I could see The Leftovers becoming like this. A tiny few watch it, but a lot of them really love it. Todd and Sepinwall have already declared it pantheon-level and it only recently ended. Who knows? It might get a post-airing word-of-mouth similar to The Wire.

Yeah, that's what I first thought of as well.

Good point. I guess Arrested Development is like that, too. What about cult shows that aren't a limited series or whose ratings are low enough to be on the renewal bubble?

Is there a show on TV right now that has the same kind of cult following that Community or Hannibal had before they ended?