Not The Real Randy Jackson

Oh, man. Does that actually happen a lot?

Everybody on Twitter now is just doing covfefe jokes as a means to cover up that, deep down, we all know we're fucked and things are probably going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

Yeah, I thought that RT scores for TV shows were not considered important.

I thought it was weird when Sanders guest starred just to say that Kimmy was a "rockin' dame with a heart of steel and cans that'll make any man shout 'Aaawoooga!'" but I didn't realize it would be that controversial.

Today, I remembered that old Powerthirst video out-of-the-blue. Then, I went to YouTube to re-watch it and lo and behold today is the ten-year anniversary of its upload. Freaky coincidences and all that.

I would've added the first McCarthy as Spicer sketch onto the Best-Of list. Yeah, they sorta ran that premise to the ground pretty quickly, but the debut was one of the show's best political satires in a while.

Homer Simpson was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame as part of a 25th anniversary celebration for "Homer at the Bat":

Based on this Cannes jury grid, it looks like it's the Zvyagintsev movie that's getting the most acclaim so far. I picked either Zvyagintsev or Ramsay to win, so I can't complain.

Oh, snap! Shots fired!

Sure, why not. Shows don't seem to die anymore these day.

Woke up to news that Roger Ailes is dead. A good start to the day.

If I've only seen the first season of Twin Peaks, but not the second, can I just watch Fire Walk With Me before the Showtime season starts?

I think I'm still the only one here who has seen Dheepan.

I thought seasons 1, 2 and 4 of the CBB TV show were pretty good! Season 2 was in my top 10 that year. Is it as good as the podcast? Probably not, but then again you can't do the same stuff with a set 22 minute run-time.

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If there is an intra-generational divide among the Millenials, it's between those who post more Simpsons memes than Spongebob memes, and those who post more Spongebob memes than Simpsons memes.