Not The Real Randy Jackson

I've been re-watching old WWE clips on YouTube lately, and came across this old one from 2000 involving the Rock, Chyna, and Billy Gunn debating Right to Censor (a wrestling group that was used to parody the Parents' Television Council). Pretty interesting to watch nearly two decades later given the WWE's eventual

To me, this reminds me of those articles and books that were written a lot back in 2013 or so about how "prestige TV" is male anti-hero focused and full of tropes. Doesn't really add anything new. I thought that the Esquire article you linked to a few weeks back was better, because at least it acknowledges good dramas

This is some classic Kellyanne Conway type shit.

I tried to get mad, but I can't. It's good, actually.

Master troll

Or they might just think that Macron will have shit economic policies. I mean, he has promised to basically gut workers' rights, after all. An FDR to Le Pen's Hitler he is not.

My favorite part was how alt-right leaders spent the whole week leading up to the election writing tweets in French.

Most of the #FireColbert stuff are coming from conservative concern-trolls who just wanna own the libs by their own logic and by Colbert fans who consider it stupid. But there's also a segment of the left who have critiqued him for the "Vladimir Putin's cock holster" joke, too and I don't think it's without merit .

Yeah, Trump=Jackson is totally a Bannon move. He tried to compare the two after the election.

Three years ago, you had a 2.5 hours late night stretch that included The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The Colbert Report and The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. I think I miss that more than I miss NBC's Thursday night block from five years ago.

This has been quite the weekend for The New York Times op-ed section: Bret Stephens' debut column about climate skepticism and now Ross Douthat making a case for Marine Le Pen.

Colbert already parodied Jones twice, so I'm afraid that ship has sailed.

Surprised to see that no one asked what that photo was. I respect that.

Well, I just saw the most upsetting online photo I've seen since Goatse.