Not The Real Randy Jackson

So, we're really reviving George W. Bush's reputation because he criticized Trump, huh fam?

Don't know what you mean. I thought my comparison of Warren Beatty to faithless electors was some real innovative comedy.

I hope you're right. For most of the night, I checked Twitter and saw a bunch of people on my TL mostly ragging on it and cheering for its defeat. Maybe now that it won't be known as "The Movie That Won Over Moonlight", people might appreciate it more for its merits.

Great comment from Bubbles Wrap at the Newswire article:

It will still go down in Oscar history, too—maybe just not in the way the producers wanted.

This is the first year in which the Best Picture winner matched up with the #1 movie in our poll.

It got Best Director and five other awards, but sure.


She was maybe the 4th most deserving Actress in that category.

I don't know why Emma Stone won, either.

Jennifer Aniston addressed his death shortly beforehand.

……..('(…´…´…. ¯~/'…')
.Fuck you, backlash./
……….''…\………. _.·´

The young adult aging process: truly amazing stuff.

Oh wow, I just found out that the red-headed guy from Manchester by the Sea was also one of the lead Khaki scouts in Moonrise Kingdom.

This was a win I was glad to have predicted incorrectly.

This year's In Memoriam is quite something.

Fun! We watched an exciting NLCS game between the Cubs and the Dodgers on TV. Also, a lotta drinking was involved.

I had tickets for it at the Chicago film festival, but bailed at the last minute to attend a surprise birthday party for my uncle.