Electric Monk

Yeah I know… but somehow that's different. I mean, y'know, Nazis. Who doesn't want to torture some Nazis? Revenge is more human, but something like Hostel, where it's just some sick fuck doing some fucked up shit to some strangers because that's how he gets off…. I don't know. The utter nihilism just makes me feel a

Cool! Thanks. I really wanted that answer.

I'm torn about seeing this: I love Whedon but gore in horror films really makes me feel unpleasant. Even reading about the Human Centipede, or SAW, or any of those horror-porn types of things makes me queasy. I don't mind the blood of say, Inglourious Basterds or even certain more thriller-types of horror, but the

That adventuring sound will make my whooshing gloves sound ironic!

Say hello to my new mailing list!

I believe you are almost supernaturally correct.

Dammit. I meant to post that as Electric Monk.

This film is about a boy who uncovers evidence that 9/11 was organized by a secret cadre of Hollywood hacks who needed an excuse to make more movies to tug at your heartstrings, and then your purse strings. I believe that it is my mission to hate this film, thus being granted eternal life in the bliss of smugness.