Wannabe Gimmick Poster

Almost no one will read this, but how ridiculous is it that this show has never won an acting Emmy? What more do Hamm, Moss, et. al. have to do?

And the heartbreaking divorce explanation to Sally and Bobby. So many facets to this episode.

I demand a video of Brie and Kartheiser rehearsing that.

It was good.

What do you suppose this intern would do with all the jamz?

I got Downcast, but the only reason I don't use it is because it doesn't allow me to scroll back/ahead 15 seconds from the lock screen, like the Podcasts ap does. Unless there's a way to add that feature?

In this vein, I recommend Paul's flirtations with the camera in the Who Charted video episode when Howard is stalling to figure out whether Toronto or Minneapolis is further north.

This bracket needs to happen. But no way is Delaney a #1 seed. He's a feisty mid-major who makes a Cindarella run into the Elite Eight.

Maybe I take the Leonard Maltin game too seriously, but Troy's -6 "attempt" that negated an impending three-way tie was the capper on a disappointing episode.

It's finally clear. Kickstarter was invented to fund that Clone High resolution I've needed for a decade now. 

A Mac spinoff, no matter how ridiculous, is automatically the best show on TV.

Agreed. I generally prefer to see that they have no guest rather than one that I've never heard of. (Although, those guests usually turn out to fit in nicely more often than not.)

The only thing preventing that from being a real Chili Peppers song is Jon didn't mention California enough.

Cake Boss!

Seeing Steven Page listed as a member of Barenaked Ladies was like a shot to the gut of 1990s me with a sharpened snap bracelet. 

"Lily…….. come on."

As a former Hamiltonian, the Ivor Wynne reference almost had me collapse off the couch.

I think the only other time they've done that type of fourth-wall-breaking joke is with Barney's Doogie Howser-like diary. Both were delightful.

Sounds like you've become a Stop Podcasting Yourself fan, which means you and I are now good friends.

Just an excellent confluence of three pop culture references, guys. It doesn't matter what happens in New Orleans tonight, you guys are the real winners.