Wannabe Gimmick Poster

Anyone who doesn't vote for "Get Outta My Dreams…" is my enemy. 

Is there where I'm allowed to admit that I liked that deeply flawed movie? And the "No Diggity" scene in particular?

Sophie couldn't even make this choice.

I'll make you come tonight…

I don't think any article has elicited as many likes from me as this one. I love Yacht Rock, and this episode in particular.

@avclub-7d26c14b4a096a0afc48154974c4b7d6:disqus That's a fascinating perspective. I might need to see it again under that mindset.

Glad I'm not the only one. Patrick Stewart's nose hasn't suffered in vain.

I was disappointed in how formulaic it was by the end. It was like a typical romantic comedy, sports movie, and redemption story all rolled into one. That said, Jennifer Lawrence was fantastic, so I was willing to let some of that slide.

Meh, wake me when they make Celtic Pride 2. 

Really hoping that's an actual still from the episode.

Dear god, I saw a commercial for this last night and couldn't believe this was the material the show was using in its sixth season. I was under the impression that BBT was a mediocre show (nothing great, nothing truly awful), but that was some of the hackiest shit I've ever seen.

@avclub-6956968b560a7eb499ca03a8b3b43189:disqus The cops he took a swing at in 2010 have a different opinion.

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I don't know if I'd cut him slack for Big Bang The… wait, he co-wrote the Ninja Turtles theme? "Donatello does machines"? That was him?

They need to televise the mob that forms around that list. Let's see how many people Joaquin "Award Season is Shit" Phoenix bowls over to see if he made A-string.

I nearly collapsed into hysterics over the get-Lenny-Kravitz-out-of-your-kitchen app and Rudy locator on the jPhone.

I nearly collapsed into hysterics over the get-Lenny-Kravitz-out-of-your-kitchen app and Rudy locator on the jPhone.

I was hoping Danny Glover was listed ahead of Mel Gibson. If Riki had improbably pulled it out, I was prepared to run around my gym with my hands raised over my head.

I was hoping Danny Glover was listed ahead of Mel Gibson. If Riki had improbably pulled it out, I was prepared to run around my gym with my hands raised over my head.

My favorite bit still remains the "If you stain it, you gotta drain it…" traveling seminar from the first Jon Dore episode.