

already done. madea goes to jail, remember?

already done. madea goes to jail, remember?

oh mbs. you're the kind of guy every murderer up for trial would want in the jury pool.

oh mbs. you're the kind of guy every murderer up for trial would want in the jury pool.

perry's presumed crapfests keep bouncing on and off my netflix queue. i want to see at least one of them eventually just for the fuck of it. but life's short, so they may keep getting the boot/pass in favor of other things.

perry's presumed crapfests keep bouncing on and off my netflix queue. i want to see at least one of them eventually just for the fuck of it. but life's short, so they may keep getting the boot/pass in favor of other things.

well, there really are not a whole lot of bankable black actors out there. so while this may seem like stunt casting, it's not wholly inexplicable.

well, there really are not a whole lot of bankable black actors out there. so while this may seem like stunt casting, it's not wholly inexplicable.

there're a lot of guys who'll watch the shittiest movie of this type rather than sit through, say a generic rom-com. so once this goes to dvd i imagine at least a few (male) av clubbers will catch it unless they have some overwhelming animosity against tyler perry for making a bunch of shitty movies which i'm pretty

there're a lot of guys who'll watch the shittiest movie of this type rather than sit through, say a generic rom-com. so once this goes to dvd i imagine at least a few (male) av clubbers will catch it unless they have some overwhelming animosity against tyler perry for making a bunch of shitty movies which i'm pretty

yeah, his point about the difference between black man +  white woman/white man + black woman was (unfortunately, considering how far along we're supposed to be) dead-on.

yeah, his point about the difference between black man +  white woman/white man + black woman was (unfortunately, considering how far along we're supposed to be) dead-on.

heh, heh. you said "hard".

heh, heh. you said "hard".

i have a vestigial fondness for the democrats, so i don't really want to see obama lose. OTOH, if he does lose, i probably won't be especially upset about it.

i have a vestigial fondness for the democrats, so i don't really want to see obama lose. OTOH, if he does lose, i probably won't be especially upset about it.

where in the fuck is lobsters/pillbox/lummox/fishlips/daffy dick, etc.?

where in the fuck is lobsters/pillbox/lummox/fishlips/daffy dick, etc.?

it's never a good idea to do biopics about any celeb with half-an-ounce of star quality. it's something that just can't be replicated. will smith gave an entirely credible performance as mohammad ali, but he still wasn't, y'know, mohammad ali.