Another Guinness Here

Yes & no, they did some filming in Treemont, but the long exteriors (and the fake flagpole with a hole & vacume) are in Canada

Hey, I'm off Monday & Friday….need a guide?

Gospel Plow

the funny part is
every picture of that statue is taken from that angle, because if you took it straight on, you'd see that across the bay is all oil refineries and industrial crap….kinda ruins it, but guess that could be the jumping off point for this "dark retelling"

The real question is
What song will "Upper Full Frontal Nudity" cover when they're on AV Undercover???

ohhhh, tyhanks there, sorry for the mess up

WAS it Barney's Wedding?!?!?!?
They show Ted walk into a room, and deliver his line. They then CUT to a shot of Barney asking about ties. If i had seen both in the same shot, i'd be willing to say it's Barney's wedding, but given this show's history, it's more likely the wedding is someone else's, and Barney's doing a

Seinfeld Call-Out
Was the restaurant at the base of the Arcadian the same one they hung out at in Seinfeld?

They have this thing now, called the interwebs, amazing what you find if you type in "Toledo Vegetarian"

Actually, Lima's far from a shithole, but don't let that get in the way of your broad sweeping generalization

Ohio loves you Ann Coulter
I'm opening myself up to get blasted here, and I don't watch this show a lot (the wife watches while I play with the kid) but I'm sick to death of this show contstantly bashing the midwest, and Ohio in particular.

pandatron wins

didn't Evan Dorkin
write for a couple of these? Man, i love me some Milk & Cheese

o.k. jjjjjack, i'll help

so i'm a….
revenge seeking drug lawyer, who elists a crazy bomber in my plotting. And the secret anget dude i used last week comes by and says he knows what I did…..

First Love, Last Rights
only ever saw half the movie, but the soundtrack's great

kind of a theory
the first seasons have been about Don, and the double life he's developed, and how he did it. The coming seasons will be about Peggy, and the double life she'll develop, and how that's possible for this generation.

why ask someone from Cleveland, the ceremony is in New York (oh, except every 3 years now, because they wanted to be nice)

for the resord, the river caught on fire in 65, might be time to get over it…..although, the mayor's toupe caught on fire the same year, so that is kinda funny