Another Guinness Here

click click clic….i had the same problem, log in through Facebook

Popless definitely, hater most of the time, still like the chart…hey it's wednesday, new chart time!

The Single most innapropriate part of this
is the "sound effect" the plane makes when it hits. I swear to god it sounds like Gallagher hitting a melon

Could Someone Please
Make that hipster douchebag stop walking across my screen to get his british beer?

favorite line of the night
(and I'm paraphrasing)
"Since then I've mostly stopped"
Betty talking about playing with herself

Why does the blob-sitter look familiar?
did she used to be in Dr Who?

Jesse really works for Vaughn. I mean the only info Michael has on him at all came from Vaughn and how better to make sure Michael works dilligently on what you want him to than by making it a "saved a burned spy/redeem yourself" quest as well?

just remember; with great firsting comes great responsibility…..

Rodger's dead before the end of the season, but not of a heart attack
1) guzzling pepto
2) alka seltzer

you can stream it on the starz site

my definition has always been "Mix Hank Williams Sr. & Dinosaur Jr."

I would think you'd have to add Bottle Rockets, the already mentioned Old 97's, Kelly Hogan, and Whiskeytown to that list as well.

where did the sonic screwdriver come from?
and what exactly does it do, besides give writters an easy out?

for a show with a 1 letter name….
it sure got wordy in the 10,000 or so promo's

I am Belovedly Optomistic

Greatest Rock Star Moment Of My Life
Big Star (with Posies) at the First Avenue, standing between Gary Louris & Dan Murphy.

EXACTLY! but on a less basic cable

I'm cautiously Optomistic
I always wanted to write a tv show just called "A Very Special Episode" week after week the main charactrs would struggle with addition to drugs that didn't exist, keeping their vow of chastity even though they were sure this was "the guy" and various diseases, all while keeping a smile on

know what struck me?
in the "previously on" part at the beginning, they replayed the quote about how Management's been protecting him and if they stop Michael's in a world of hurt.