Another Guinness Here

Robin's hook was also a repeat character….just saw him this week on the Lifetime repeat. He's a cameraman they get to fill in for Robin so she can go to Atlantic City

Dinosaur J also does a great Niel Young cover on a tribute album called "The Bridge"

I have a theory
That with his death, Zodiak Motherfucker will never post again…..for they were (cue music) THE SAME MAN!!!

the position on the spectrum
leads me to believe you view "Bunch of Crazy Orgies" as a bad thing.

funny you should post on this thread, since your picture bears more than a passing resemblance to the subject.

I'm begining to think
The Casting Director has a thing for Sexy Librarian Blondes

Pippin (! optional)

I am NOT
Optomistic, cautiously or otherwise

So Will stays on the phone through the whole perfomance
but no one calls to tell them they won until Monday morning when they show him the trophy?

Savage Steve Holland used stop-motion in Better off Dead and (i think) One Crazy Summer, Although I 'm too lazy to go to IMDB to see if that was before or after this.

doubt, no….Hope, yes

Bobby freakin Vinton!!!
You got something against Polish?

you're right, what the fuck….apologies all around

I heard
there was a Johnny Cash bio in graphic novel form….anybody got an opinion on it?

gets my vote

Exactly….The Turtleneck!!

Total A
Kennedy was the elephant in the room all season, and they dealt with it as I thought they might. Yeah the world stopped, because the world stopped. Unless they did a time jump or something they had to deal with it.

I think Troy was….
Rockwell from the "Somebody's Watching Me" video….therefore the mirror and eddie murphy confusion

not understanding money could have also been a reference to keeping in in a locked desk drawer rather than having it in a bank or something

I Keep Waiting….
For AMC to do one of those "Mad Men Ad Inserts" for the Extenz commercial