Another Guinness Here

Wow, a couple cases of H1N1 and suddenly everybodies going for the big words

i know what with the economy and all a job is a job….but can you imagine the conversation between this guy and his Agent?

I was gonna write up a good long rant and once again go off on how I just can't understand Raven's fans AT ALL, but DCRJ did it so well, I'm just gonna say "amen brother"

Don's Radio
when they went to the next story after the "I have a Dream" speach I originally thought they were refering to the Richard Speck killings (it said something about nurses & Chicago), but thanks to Wikipedia, i see now those took place in '66

Chartex - I'm cautiously optomistic in my total disagreement

really, not Pop?!?!? maybe not by today's standards, but at the time, what he played was pop music

Suprised this didn't come up
Johnny fucking Cash….

This was actually the first band I ever heard mentioned as an "American Beatles" so I was suprised not to see it

Great answer by the way, really great piece of writting.

Uncle Tupelo
Seriously, 2 people nominate Wilco, but no one goes to the source?

love afair of funny lists, Inventory coming out soon….i see corporate synergy

Cautiously Optomistic this t-shirt will fit

actually, i was refrencing the point/counterpoint in the article. Never seen the documentary, and agree that a "artisic" life shouldn't validate being an ass who should have been ass-raped in a prison long ago

how dare you!
advocate a level-headed examination of the facts….THIS IS THE INTERNET!!! there's no room for that sort of seriousness WE DEMAND EXTREMES!

well and if he were to try something, I think it'd be the closest he's pooped to where he eats, wouldn'y it?

I found it odd, because earlier, and throughout this whole season, Peggy seems bent on playing catch-up. She got the prank call, didn't know about Hilton coming in, because she's working….or at least working way too hard on positioning herself, which I guess could be where Don's attacking her

yeah, I guess it's one of those things that just gets my hackles up. I used to work at a record store near an army base in the deepest heart of the midwest, and the whole "well this singles been available on the coasts for weeks" thing just always pisses me off. Major labels release stuff nationally, and the shortcut

no, i was a distinct (and evidently douche) minority. But what I was trying to get at is that popular culture is pretty much a universal. Top 40 radio is not just east & west coast top 40….and even "new" acts especially in the pop world, are usually carefully packaged and promoted in enough widely available ways that

so the dumb blonde stereotype….
is bad, but the "all midwesterners are hicks who wouldn't know good music" one is fine?

Megaline Tyra
Sounds like a foe of Godzilla