Another Guinness Here

wait, was this the one where House starts messing with people, they suddenly realize they're being messed with and try to out-fox him, but he anticipated their reaction all along?

I'd back you up on Calvin & Hobbs except that Bill Watterson turns out to be kind of a douchebag, and in a non-hipster way. Read some of the comments he makes in the anniversary edition. Comic books aren't art, some of the strips fans are idiots,; he's just really fucking grumpy.

Quick Sarah Vowell question…..is the movie Pieces of April based on her Thanksgiving story from TAL, or just an amazingly similar plot? I've never seen any "based on" credit, but man, if it's not, she should sue

Death By Jellyfish???
Impossible, that band broke up years ago, and I don't think they'd get back together just to kill somebody

Noel, Thanks
But what am i gonna do with my Mondays now….work?

Remember, you're the only person who can make you feel guilty.

No, But Columbia records is trying to outdo Reprise

The lead singer plays session bass now….done some stuff for liz phair, robert pollard, etc.

On Channel 5? with Dandy Don Webster? On right after Polka Varieties?

2 weeks, 2 missed bands; i'm begining to reconsider my "separated at birth" theory.

Yeah, and even before Zoom you had Moving Van Gohs, Kill Whitey, Homestead Greys (featuring Chuck Meade of BR5-49) and a bunch of other stuff. Don't forget in the early 90's William S Burroughs was still alive, and shooting things in Larry-ville. Although that (and the delicious Free State Brewery) couldn't make up

I was really hoping
You knew a band from mid 90's called Truck Stop Love….other than being quite possibly the best band name ever, seemed like they would have been in your wheelhouse, as well as underscoring all that is wrong in the music "industry"

Plus, that's the best "Fits Between"

and while I'm at it….
what about the difference between a show that's "Great Band" Killer Show" and "Right Time In My/The World; Right Band To Encapsulate it"

you guys do this column just too see how many postings you'll get from all us jealuos-we-don't-have-your-job-showing-off-in-hopes-you'll-like-us-and-validate-us folks, right

Why not join the fray
Patty Griffin opening for Shawn Colvin at the Chicago Theater (was there for work, and had no idea who Griffin was, this little red-head comes out all alone and within 2 songs every yuppy in the place is sitting down, quiet, actually listening)

Jesus' Entrance Music
It was a christmas carol, blanking on which one

The wierdest thing just struck me….
The theme music, and especially the portion they use for bumpers in and out of commercials, bears more than a passing resemblance to "When You Wish Upon a Star"

The Land of Cleve's
How nice that the jackasses who built this "shrine" finally are gonna come see it

"Susan Across The Ocean" does for me what "Mary" does for you….why not get it listed on the dead leaves list too?