Another Guinness Here

Guy named Eric Melin….used to be in Truck Stop Love & Ultimate Fakebook….currently in Dead Girls Ruin Everything.

is it the "rich kids playing at being country thing that turns you off Bloodshot?

Although you do have the first cross off that I dissagree with. Rex Hobart (although it's a little hometown pride, as i knew him in KC)

Alright Noel, I'll help you out….
" A Man, I can't believe (BLANK) is in Regettably Unremarked Upon. I was waititng for this week to read what you'd say about them. What would you have said?"

Guilty confession…..

did you notice though that when Cobain killed himself and people started calling him "the voice of a generation" that it wasn't people from "our" generation saying it?

Mike Watt
I worked for Sony for about 5 years…total drudgery that made me hate the thing (music) i used to love. But the absolute highlight was spending an hour with Mike Watt backstage before a show. Most of the conversation was about Templars, Masons, and secret societies (and this back in '98, so long before the Da

Journey & Guilty Confessions
So I always try and play the Hipster only-slightly-quasi-douchbag, and pride myself on knowing bands that make co-workers go huh? however

I think another, bigger block to a reunion is the fact that several of the members aren't so much friends anymore. But yeah, I always though that sound would catch on more, it was a bridge between indi and "top 40" and was coming out of LA, so it had a lot of plusses.

Kelly Hogan
So talking about "the moment"

Yeah, I'm a little shocked at that one. I mean there's a definite pop streak running through your likes, and I could have really seen a Jellyfish to Posies to Greys to Faulkner/Auer/Brion thing in this

sorry, but i can't help…
….but change the lyrics to "Don't Let Your Son Go Down On Me"

Oh, and Iron & Wine
Should lead to a whole post on the differences between a solo act and a solo act as a band.

Imperial Drag?
I was hoping for a whole LA pop scene, spirit of '76, funness wrap-up . Come to think of it, did you mention The Greys?

There's a short story….
Where god has an angel investigate a muder of another angel, and he suddenly realizes that ultimately god was the murderer since nothing happens without his knowledge….

the hotness may get ruined or you soon. I think she's suppsed to be playing Laura Bush in Oliver Stone's movie…..that's just gonna leave me conflicted.

father of mine - everclear
leader of the band - some 70's dude
there's more i know…..

one more

No one…
…hates hippies more than i do, but if we're gonna extend the energy to hate a comercial instead of just fast forwarding, couldn't we all agree to kill Chad, the wizzzard and the rest of that Altell crap?

see rather than CGI, i think it would be cooler (and more in keepig)to have Jack Black and Carlin (or whoever) in foam suits that look like they just came from an abandoned amusement park killing people whilst yelling "MERV GRIFFIN!"