
Maybe Oliver will hand him an MP3 player with "Cop Killer" queued up.

Ollie's great, but I somehow doubt he will ever receive the moniker "detective" from Ra's Al Ghul.

Maybe it's Anatoli?

If Detective Lance dies, who will deliver weirdly noirish lines like "mobbed up to the eyeballs" anymore?
Don't take that away from us Arrow!

I would think Slade Wilson, but unfortunately he is not an American citizen. Also, the commute might be rough.

The scene in which Oliver realizes this was deemed to dark for the show.

I would watch a Three's Company style spin-off.

The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long.

But now we might see Ollie and Anatoli tooling around in Hong Kong! I'll take it.

Was that okay for you?

Yeah the absolute worst episodes are more "meh" than actually bad.

Even Nyssa, badass assassin, can't put up with Laurel's bullshit.

A cameo by a certain Batting Gentleman would be amazing.

Maybe get some accidental kills via her sharp bones.

There are better shows I watch, but Arrow is my favorite.

Damn! I always miss those!

What is Slade going to eat?

Her death was pretty good. I'm a sucker for that style of kill.

This is my first time… I'm really nervous…

I thought until relatively recently that he was a one off character in Mr Magoo's Christmas Carol. Holy shit did I watch that a lot as a kid.