
"I've got a gun and my name is Gunn!"

Oh my god. The Saskatchewan shout-out almost made up for that complete shit pile of a season and finale. Thank you reviewer, you made me smile. 

What would Ryan Lochte do if he were here today?

Okay. Just watched. I don't care if the ending was cheesy as fuck. it was exactly what I needed to feel better after Breaking Bad. And I liked the cover. i said it. My credibility is probably at or below ACN's right now. I don't care. I like this show.

even Holly can act the shit out of anyone on Dexter. Jesus christ Marie.

Anyone from Canada remember Dark Night on YTV? Around Halloween they'd do a marathon of "scary" shows, interspersed with the YTV "VJ's". I am fairly certain that's when I saw my first episode of Buffy.

0 reasonable discussions

Not from this episode, but….
Chandler told you? When did he when did he when did he?

something, something Futurama

DAMN! I meant that other one. Poor Clue fan right here.

Oh Mrs. Peacock.

Dafuq did I just read?

Yup. Inside every Twister's there's a poster saying "as seen on Breaking Bad". I live in Denver as well and got drive-thru Twister's prior to the BB season premiere.

Whatever, I'm getting cheese fries.

Oh my god Karen, you can't just ask somebody why they're white.

Was that Sarah Chalke wondering how to whip her dick out?


So, now that it's been forever. Has anyone found an mp3 version of this song? Particularly the part as he's all "I did it!". I would gladly gladly pay for it if possible.

So, now that it's been forever. Has anyone found an mp3 version of this song? Particularly the part as he's all "I did it!". I would gladly gladly pay for it if possible.

I was really really really hoping that Ted's wife was Penny Harts.