
One Liners
I'm a little concerned about the shows reliance on its (undeniably outstanding, for the most part, one liners). The scenes where Jeff "gets real" and has an earnest speech about whatever whatever come across as sort of trite and cliche, and it seems like the show is going keep having these kinds of

The writers
I wish Pete had more to do. Ever since Jack and Liz became BFFF (I'll let you figure out what the third F stands for. Hint: it's not Fireman), he's lost a lot of his role in Liz's life and consequently in 30 Rock.

The writers
I wish Pete had more to do. Ever since Jack and Liz became BFFF (I'll let you figure out what the third F stands for. Hint: it's not Fireman), he's lost a lot of his role in Liz's life and consequently in 30 Rock.

Cheerio, you make a good point about Oscar.

Pam and Jim: Unlikable?
It seems to me that Jim and Pam are gradually becoming unlikable characters.
Last week it was the cold open in which they make some rather unreasonable demands on their coworkers. This week Jim hangs up on Oscar, who, other than Pam, is the closest thing to a friend that Jim has in the Office.

B Stories
Abed and Troy's storyline doesn't really seem like 4th or 5th season wackiness because for one, Troy doesn't fall for it and two, Abed has a history of committing himself completely to an act or idea (his student film and the psych experiment).