The Angry Internet

Man, Joey does not look so good in that picture.

It's an anagram for "A SOFA ASS FLIP." I'd go into more detail, but that would be a spoiler.

Isn't this being put out pretty much just to keep the rights for X-Men with Fox?

these guys need to think outside the box, this would get funded in a second if it were a series of wacky cartoons narrated by old recordings of Tarkovsky's voice

Retailers don't like stocking multiple SKUs of the same movie, so putting them in the same package means they can carry both the DVD and the Blu-ray with only half the shelf space they would use for separate releases. This is especially important with catalog titles, because retailers aren't crazy about carrying those

Interesting note, Gerwig was originally supposed to direct this as well, but at some point Baumbach took over that role. In fact nobody even knew Baumbach was directing it until it was announced as part of last year's Telluride lineup.

This would've had to have been post-2000, so I doubt it was anything particularly old. It probably was the Amazing Johnathan and I'm conflating him with someone else. I'll try to track down his Comedy Central Presents episode.

His "executive producer" credit on Envy means he pitched the idea to the studio and did some uncredited work on the script.

@avclub-e3f5ab7f02122f95b801e13e2c586d6a:disqus I would've recognized Anderson, give me a little credit

sounds way more like 3:10 to Yuma

Life Without Principle was distributed by the now-defunct Indomina. I think it may have had an extremely limited theatrical run—like one or two screens—then went straight to DVD. Drug War (which is phenomenal) was picked up a few months ago by another small distributor (Well Go), so it's just a matter of time with

His act fits, but I remember him being more geeky and unassuming. Maybe that was the piano guy, whoever he was.

@avclub-3e3218bd33c9b0f06b2887aafce565df:disqus Obviously not, otherwise how could Chuck Garabedian have bought his suit off of Cohn's dead body?

I dimly remember seeing someone on Comedy Central Presents (or something like that) whose shtick was fairly typical standup combined with terrible magic. I'm sure there's more than one act like that out there today, but does anyone have any idea who it was? I remember him having a piano too, but I might be mixing him

Has the pimply faced teenager had an episode to himself?

@avclub-d450f01b90e9cfa5848596f1e6457c17:disqus If you're talking about a 3D re-release, Disney's not doing any more of those because Beauty and the Beast and Monsters Inc. did so badly on their re-releases ("badly" meaning $50-60 million worldwide, which Disney apparently wasn't satisfied with). They already canceled

Benicio Del Toro plays the title role in Arnaud Desplechin’s first English-language film

Colin MacCabe: I'm concerned to explain the value of your work on sound and image and to write against that organization of sound and image which puts you in the position of the tourist. But I'm also conscious that very often what I want to see is not a television program like Six fois deux or France/tour/detour/deux/e

So far all they've let him get away with is showing it at Cannes. In the past they probably wouldn't have even approved that much, but the censors finally figured out that they can't really stop it, so their new SOP is to let movies play at foreign festivals and then demand recuts afterwards when they figure nobody's

Friendly reminder: Andrew "Dice" Clay is in Woody Allen's next movie