The Angry Internet

I've long thought the English language could genuinely benefit from one of these words:

c'mon guys, surely Hard Core Logo 2 was bad enough

gotta get back in tiiime

It's definitely "Getting closer," which is a tiny difference but nicely illustrates the difference between a good joke and a really inspired one—"getting close" is funny, but "getting closer" implies Ned is mentally tracking of every wild animal that passes his window as part of his ongoing apocalypse watch. Which is

The House accent is a Monty Python American. It's a dead ringer for the "Scott of the Antarctic" sketch or the American characters in The Meaning of Life. That coupled with the fact I knew Laurie mainly from Blackadder and Fry & Laurie meant it took a lot of acclimating before I could take the show (semi-)seriously.

Trivia: LaPaglia was supposed to play Quentin Tarantino's role in Django Unchained, but left due to a scheduling conflict (and publicly complained the movie was out of control). LaPaglia's Australian accent might not be so natural anymore, but he can take comfort knowing it will never be worse than Tarantino's.

James Greer mentioned last year he was working on a script for this in addition to the Cleopatra project, so I'm guessing that's what Soderbergh will be working from. Kind of an strange career arc that goes from Guided by Voices to Larry the Cable Guy's movie to novels to Soderbergh.

The Canadian DVD has subtitles, and there's a set of subs here that can be used with (ahem) other sources, or the imaginary version you make up in your head as you read them.

Here's a letter he wrote in 2009 (the recipient is Brillante Mendoza and the film he's writing about is Kinatay). The handwriting doesn't look so strained, but if anything it's even more squiggly.

I'm fully convinced "Inglourious Basterds" was a genuine misspelling that Tarantino just decided to roll with. Also a convenient one since it further distinguishes it from the correctly-spelled Castellari film.

I'm gonna be that guy and encourage everyone to check out his first movie Steak, which is rough around the edges (some parts are so deadpan they're inert), but has some typically out-there ideas and an even better soundtrack than the next two films. It's also a lot closer to Wrong than Rubber in terms of narrative (no

I was at a 10 AM screening of Dr. Strangelove and the guy doing the intro said "Stanley Kubrick died last night"

Oh, my goodness! I halved myself.

The film mentions it. The moon-landing nut answers by claiming he called the lodge and they don't actually have a room 217. Which might be true now but proves nothing about 1977 or whenever it was they made the request. I don't know if I should tell you why he attaches so much importance to "237" because it

omg spoiler

there are twelve faces in that picture and two or three facial expressions between them (depends on if you count squinting as an entirely distinct expression)

Loonatics aired from 2005-2007, maybe you're thinking of Space Jam

that reminds me, Exit to Eden probably belongs on this list

Childrens Hospital - "Chief's Origin"