The Angry Internet

There are a few critics (mostly in the UK) who have defended Revolution, especially after Hugh Hudson (who says he was forced to rush post-production) put out a revised director's cut a few years ago. I haven't seen it, and on the basis of the original cut I'm confident there's no masterpiece there, but it does sound

That scene was cut from the DVD, it damn well better be on the Blu-ray

shoulda done a series about Eastside Motel instead

More excellent life coaching from John McGuirk:

his WWE Raw hosting gig was soooo amazing, if he's remembered for anything it's going to be that

"Is it just me, or is George Bush the worst president in the history of the United States?"

They cut some shots in the back room that showed the restaurant workers revealing themselves as aliens, then the bit later where J (or K, who cares) blanks a bunch of Chinese onlookers' memories. It was less than a minute of cuts total, maybe closer to 30 seconds. Of course those numbers don't tell the whole story

They don't get arrested for armed robbery, they get arrested for possession. The Florida cops don't know about the robbery.

I don't think they ever said it in those terms, but they did admit to having a lot of laughs while they were making up the rules.

don't forget the ending, they could've just had a black screen that says "and then a bunch of stuff happened" and it would've been basically the same thing

I sorta reviewed/ranted about the original version here and stand by it, it's one of those movies that gives art-house humanism a bad name. No idea about the U.S. version, but if it really is worse than the original, I can only assume Sean Penn comes out the screen and kills you.

Serious answer? There are probably a lot of little cuts here and there, but most of them would be in the big shootout. Not sure how they're going to manage that, especially after the music comes in (which would make it a lot more difficult to just lift stuff out). Maybe they have alternate takes with less gore—the

Skyfall lost something like ten seconds in China (most of the alterations were to the subtitles) and most of the 40 missing minutes in Cloud Atlas were expository scenes removed by the Chinese distributor, not censorship cuts. I don't want to defend the Chinese censors or what they've probably done to Django—the

Foreign movies do OK even if bootlegs are out, unless it's just a completely unappealing movie to begin with. Upside Down (yes, that movie with a D- on the front page) did a lot better than expected last weekend even though bootlegs have been out for a couple of months; it might make more in China than the U.S. Cloud

Not sure they really even need to look to foreign models. For a couple of years around the turn of the century, the highest-grossing Chinese film of all time was about a mayor who goes back to the factory he used to manage and discovers it's been taken over by crooked assholes. He spends the rest of the movie taking

"Hey, let's not make this about you and the firing thing! There's a lot of people in the same boat as you, Paula. You know Mrs. Gardner, the bagpipe lady?"
"GONE-SKI! Same with—How about—You know Mr. French?"
"BUDGET CUTS!!! What can you do?! Nothing worse than lettin' someone go, Paula. Hahaha!"

man that guy is a dick

I don't know how I'm supposed to say the title of this movie, but I have a lot of fun trying

For some reason the Nabokov story sticks with me better than all of the crazy sex and drugs business. I think it's just as revealing (if not more so) about the way the studios function.