The Angry Internet

You cannot have a raise. Raise for you, not happening! Not now. No way. I'm afraid not, I'm frightened not. NO RAISE!…YEAH!

"Anybody have any, um, requests?"
"Can we have pizza more?"
"Pizza more! I have no idea what that means. Next question?"
"Is ketchup a vegetable?"
"Very good question. Ketchup is actually a fruit! It’s a magical fruit!"

The "revolutionary technology" in Paperman is rotoscoping with CGI instead of live action. They developed an impressive software toolkit to make this happen, but they're not exactly the first to pull it off and the idea this is a PARADIGM SHIFTING GAME CHANGER is just straight-up hype. Which obviously worked out

I hate this song because my dormmate had the 7" single and played it on near-continuous loop for my entire freshman year

They're hoping you don't know that. VOD isn't workable on satellite, so they have to push DVR. I don't have much experience with DirecTV, but I got to experience Dish when I went home for Christmas and their equivalent of VOD is a couple dozen pay-per-view movies, a bunch of pay-per-view porn, and some free ads for

Soylent Green sucks, Eight Immortals Roast Pork Buns or GTFO

peaked, a. (piːkt, ˈpiːkɪd)

@avclub-9c75bab0f5d964591655e73e7c22c540:disqus The ending was hastily rewritten and reshot because the original ending (Simon escapes, McClane's life is ruined, McClane tracks Simon all the way to Hungary and challenges him to Russian roulette with a rocket launcher) was totally nuts and the studio hated it

I mentioned the Milk Advisory Board bits to my sister and she didn't know what I was talking about, because they apparently don't include those with the VOD versions

I held out for awhile but finally broke down when Fox's online store put seasons 1-10 on sale last November for eight bucks each

Also in the very short-lived column: Perfect Hair Forever had different theme songs for every episode, stuff like Melt-Banana and Widespread Panic and Brendon Small

This is almost the opposite of the truth — Japan is a tough market for Hollywood these days. 35 of last year's top 50 grossers were domestic films, and seven of those are in the top 10. Compare that to mainland China (where the top 10 proportion was reversed), or Hong Kong (which had nine Hollywood films in their top

"TPB," that's all I'm gonna say

Ang Lee is arguably inapplicable here because he was making films in America from the beginning (his first two features were both made in the U.S. as U.S. co-productions, even though they were generally treated as Taiwanese films).

he has a tiny role as a Sinister Brit Aristocrat in Taichi Hero, whatever accent you're imagining now is nowhere near as hilarious as the onscreen reality

Doyle also left early in the 2046 shoot and the vast majority of the movie was shot by others. There were three credited cinematographers but something like ten supposedly worked on it at one point or another.

can't watch this trailer ATM but it sounds like your first impression is dead on:

it was 100 shots

the Johnson/Diesel fight in the last Fast and Furious was nuts, I swear those guys stuffed bowling balls where their biceps should be

the Johnson/Diesel fight in the last Fast and Furious was nuts, I swear those guys stuffed bowling balls where their biceps should be