The Angry Internet

Star Trek Into Darkness or Die Hard

Star Trek Into Darkness or Die Hard

so The Simpsons has come to the point where they're picking up abandoned concepts from 20 years ago (see also: the Apatow script)

so The Simpsons has come to the point where they're picking up abandoned concepts from 20 years ago (see also: the Apatow script)

In which the kids are getting faster, and the adults are getting slower

In which the kids are getting faster, and the adults are getting slower

it will be the most lasting legacy of this special

it will be the most lasting legacy of this special

Fighting the frizzies: tonight, at eleven.

Fighting the frizzies: tonight, at eleven.

Actually that was the entire case, Asylum's argument was that the "hobbit" trademark has become genericized via its use as a wacky nickname for tiny extinct Indonesians. The counter-argument was that it hasn't become genericized at all and if you present a bunch of people with a movie called "Age of the Hobbits"

Actually that was the entire case, Asylum's argument was that the "hobbit" trademark has become genericized via its use as a wacky nickname for tiny extinct Indonesians. The counter-argument was that it hasn't become genericized at all and if you present a bunch of people with a movie called "Age of the Hobbits"



or maybe Burns saw it when it was new, it was one of the top ten films in the U.S. that year so he wouldn't have to be very avant-garde

or maybe Burns saw it when it was new, it was one of the top ten films in the U.S. that year so he wouldn't have to be very avant-garde

I'm pretty sure you could label those first two screenshots as outtakes from Sky Captain and 90% of the world would believe you

I'm pretty sure you could label those first two screenshots as outtakes from Sky Captain and 90% of the world would believe you