The Angry Internet

they wrote and filmed an unhappy(ish) ending where McClane's life is ruined and he becomes a revenge-obsessed sadist, then tracks Simon all the way to Hungary and blows him up with a rocket launcher

more like a P+!!!!

more like a P+!!!!

obviously Nugent was a Beta man

obviously Nugent was a Beta man

the Grandcamp managed the impressive feat of ultimately killing 580 people despite being docked and unmanned at the time

the Grandcamp managed the impressive feat of ultimately killing 580 people despite being docked and unmanned at the time

the fact that they're apparently enforcing a U.S.-distribution-only rule also guarantees this won't cover what might be his best movie, though that was a long shot anyway

the fact that they're apparently enforcing a U.S.-distribution-only rule also guarantees this won't cover what might be his best movie, though that was a long shot anyway

I haven't really kept up with the last, oh, 10-15 years, but if it's bothering you that much, you can just go by the "classic" episodes where there was a gap of at least a few years between Homer's graduation and Bart's birth

I haven't really kept up with the last, oh, 10-15 years, but if it's bothering you that much, you can just go by the "classic" episodes where there was a gap of at least a few years between Homer's graduation and Bart's birth

whatever the reason a floating timeline is definitely not in effect where young Homer and Marge is concerned

whatever the reason a floating timeline is definitely not in effect where young Homer and Marge is concerned

it was definitely Roy Cohn

it was definitely Roy Cohn

Eat Shit and Die Hard

Eat Shit and Die Hard

they've gone back to the older timeline in "canon" episodes too — for example Take My Life, Please had Homer as a high schooler in what is clearly the seventies