The Angry Internet

they've gone back to the older timeline in "canon" episodes too — for example Take My Life, Please had Homer as a high schooler in what is clearly the seventies

the most relevant parts of the Feiffer essay are here, Tarantino said somewhere he read it as a kid and it was the first thing he'd ever seen that took comic books seriously

the most relevant parts of the Feiffer essay are here, Tarantino said somewhere he read it as a kid and it was the first thing he'd ever seen that took comic books seriously

it was, reaction to the '90s episode was so bad that they gave it up

it was, reaction to the '90s episode was so bad that they gave it up

Homer falling down the gorge is one of my favorites too, but it's kind of a cheat since they improved it for the clip show

Homer falling down the gorge is one of my favorites too, but it's kind of a cheat since they improved it for the clip show

I didn't dislike the movie for most of the reasons you did (Academy ratio was good enough for fifty years, if 1 out of 100 contemporary filmmakers wants to use it I'm not going to begrudge them for it), but I think we intersect somewhat. To lay my cards on the table: I don't mind minimalism on principle and I'm not

I didn't dislike the movie for most of the reasons you did (Academy ratio was good enough for fifty years, if 1 out of 100 contemporary filmmakers wants to use it I'm not going to begrudge them for it), but I think we intersect somewhat. To lay my cards on the table: I don't mind minimalism on principle and I'm not

André Téchiné made a movie about the Brontë sisters called, uh, The Brontë Sisters, which is spectacularly grim even if I'm not personally convinced the Brontës were as good-looking as Isabelle Huppert/Isabelle Adjani/Marie France-Pisier

André Téchiné made a movie about the Brontë sisters called, uh, The Brontë Sisters, which is spectacularly grim even if I'm not personally convinced the Brontës were as good-looking as Isabelle Huppert/Isabelle Adjani/Marie France-Pisier

since you mentioned Ditko fellating Rand, I'll point out here that Miller included a dedication to her in Martha Washington Goes to War, all the way back in 1994

since you mentioned Ditko fellating Rand, I'll point out here that Miller included a dedication to her in Martha Washington Goes to War, all the way back in 1994

I misremembered the Mutants' dialogue, it's the same in both. But in the comic Bruce goes back and forth in his internal monologue and starts to assume a position that may or may not be a fighting stance, but by that point the Mutants have already decided to go. After they leave his monologue becomes more despairing

I misremembered the Mutants' dialogue, it's the same in both. But in the comic Bruce goes back and forth in his internal monologue and starts to assume a position that may or may not be a fighting stance, but by that point the Mutants have already decided to go. After they leave his monologue becomes more despairing

His Halloween II is a weird one as far as "remakes" go; you can see him drawing on the original H2, but it's just handled so differently it becomes its own (not necessarily more successful) thing. It seems more like he was trying to get away from Halloween altogether while still making something "Halloween" enough to

His Halloween II is a weird one as far as "remakes" go; you can see him drawing on the original H2, but it's just handled so differently it becomes its own (not necessarily more successful) thing. It seems more like he was trying to get away from Halloween altogether while still making something "Halloween" enough to

Not to mention the parts that worked well in the book but are just empty without the voiceover. The walk to Crime Alley was something of a turning point in the original, but it plays like dead air in the movie. Plus they completely inverted the end of that scene — instead of the Mutants leaving because Bruce isn't

Not to mention the parts that worked well in the book but are just empty without the voiceover. The walk to Crime Alley was something of a turning point in the original, but it plays like dead air in the movie. Plus they completely inverted the end of that scene — instead of the Mutants leaving because Bruce isn't

"Do Renminbi really look like that?"