The Angry Internet

"Do Renminbi really look like that?"

@avclub-15b6f28363206ef318d53ecd59b53dfb:disqus Here is one of the handful of decent articles about the matter. An additional and more underhanded motive not mentioned: the shows in question were on the less stodgy provincial networks, and programming that becomes massively popular on the provincial networks tends to

@avclub-15b6f28363206ef318d53ecd59b53dfb:disqus Here is one of the handful of decent articles about the matter. An additional and more underhanded motive not mentioned: the shows in question were on the less stodgy provincial networks, and programming that becomes massively popular on the provincial networks tends to

Renminbi is the official/formal name, used to clearly distinguish it from the pre-1949 yuan, plus other currencies also called the "yuan"—the Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore dollars can also be referred to as "yuan" in Chinese, along with the Korean won and the Japanese yen. (The Korean and Japanese names are

Renminbi is the official/formal name, used to clearly distinguish it from the pre-1949 yuan, plus other currencies also called the "yuan"—the Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore dollars can also be referred to as "yuan" in Chinese, along with the Korean won and the Japanese yen. (The Korean and Japanese names are

China's film and television bosses (the same government bureau handles both) sent out a note to TV stations telling them to cut back on TV dramas that mix characters from different historical eras (which is a very popular sub-genre in China and Asia generally). There was no actual ban and movies weren't mentioned at

China's film and television bosses (the same government bureau handles both) sent out a note to TV stations telling them to cut back on TV dramas that mix characters from different historical eras (which is a very popular sub-genre in China and Asia generally). There was no actual ban and movies weren't mentioned at

The literal/cynical response: Rian Johnson wrote it out of the movie to qualify it as a Chinese co-production. In earlier drafts Joe actually did go to France.

The literal/cynical response: Rian Johnson wrote it out of the movie to qualify it as a Chinese co-production. In earlier drafts Joe actually did go to France.

Looper did not open bigger in China. Nikki Finke (or her anonymous source) confused renminbi for U.S. dollars and ended up with a figure five times the actual amount. The entire entertainment "journalism" field is dutifully parroting her number, because evidently none of them employ a single person capable of checking

Looper did not open bigger in China. Nikki Finke (or her anonymous source) confused renminbi for U.S. dollars and ended up with a figure five times the actual amount. The entire entertainment "journalism" field is dutifully parroting her number, because evidently none of them employ a single person capable of checking

They never removed it from syndication. Fox sent out a notice reminding stations of the episode's content but left the decision up to them.

They never removed it from syndication. Fox sent out a notice reminding stations of the episode's content but left the decision up to them.

And now I'd like to introduce ze man who compiles all ze videos for Germany's Most Disturbing Home Videos. You may know him as ze vacky
neighbor from Munich TV's hit comedy, Who Are You to Accuse Me?

And now I'd like to introduce ze man who compiles all ze videos for Germany's Most Disturbing Home Videos. You may know him as ze vacky
neighbor from Munich TV's hit comedy, Who Are You to Accuse Me?

and 8/7 central is more evening than night if you ask me

and 8/7 central is more evening than night if you ask me

no, he should've been in Looper instead of Willis

no, he should've been in Looper instead of Willis

At this rate, they can probably fit in five or six more before New Year's.