The Angry Internet

this show sucks rhino dicks in hell

"Uh, I killed a bunch of people once."
(ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding)

@Triohead: yes

yeah and then they bring in Catherine fucking Tate instead, you're welcome everyone

it was an old pointlesswasteoftime.com joke, you'll just have to take my word for it since the entire site has been nuked from the face of the internet

blah blah blah space paninis blah blah black hitler

it's called busting a fuckin nut

it's 2011 grandpa, you can get a remote-hackable Chinese DVD player for like thirty bucks


more like Borence + The Machine

his sacrifice will not be in vain

"More of a movie about the effect that war has on an individual soldier."

see now I thought Avatar was boring as hell to look at, 2 1/2 hours of stock jungle imagery by way of generic fantasy novel cover artwork

well I'm sure the additional news programming they're going to be putting on in its place will be much more valuable and enlightening

不 is often used without a verb when a particularly emphatic "no" is required, this is actually how the official translation for Episode III handles Vader's line

I thought there was an unspoken joke there (Erin goes as a corporate mascot instead of the obvious Pippi Longstocking), but I'm probably overthinking it

wow, almost the entire "personal life" section on her Wiki article is about how filthy rich her family is and how she went to a prep school with a $20,000 annual tuition

what the fuck is a "record"

the Opus Christmas special did it first